
P&G Chonan Plant – Product Supply Internship 채용

2014-12-19 1,023

P&G Chonan Plant – Product Supply Internship 채용




Chonan Plant – Product Supply Internship

– 학사학위이상소지자

– Internship (3월 2일 ~ 4월 30일)
– 성공적으로 수료 시 정직원 오퍼

Ø 전공불문 (공과대학출신자우대)
Ø 해외여행에결격사유가없는자
Ø 남자의경우군필및면제자/병역특례자
Ø 대한민국국적을가진자
Ø 영어능통자

*Job Description :

Procter & Gamble has been recognized as leading the way in the development and usage of best supply chain practices. As a member of the Customer Service Logistics team, your role in our well-coordinated logistic effort is vitally important. You will:

• Be part of the supply chain management which starts from quality demand planning forecast to delivery execution to customers.
• Own processes that support the flow of materials and product to and from P&G facilities
• Be responsible for leading Total Supply Chain Improvement Projects that will reduce cost, improve service, and remove time from the supply chain
• Be expected to identify opportunities, develop action plans, and lead improvement teams across multiple sites, organizations, and functions
• Be responsible to deliver key results for the business and build systems to sustain the improvements
• Develop strategies that will keep us leading the marketplace in logistics services
• Manage logistics information, customer orders and the prompt delivery of finished product to our trade customers

We hire individuals who wish to see the direct results of their efforts as they influence Consumer Value through increased Supply Chain efficiency. Opportunities abound to find innovative and creative ways to resolve issues and make process improvements as you participate in strategic planning/business planning activities.
We offer a diverse and dynamic environment where you will be able to utilize your current skills and experiences, while you develop new ones.  You will assist in developing leading edge applications and technologies. You’ll interact with our trade customers, carriers and our suppliers. You’ll be offered major responsibilities early-on.   You will develop through a variety of on-the-job experiences and specialized training.
To learn more about this career path,click here.

  • Key Requirements
  •  –Strong Leadership
  •  Strategic Thinking
  • -Strong Communication Skill
  • -Data Analysis and Business Planning Skill
  • -Passion for Winning

*접수 방법

*접수 마감
  • -2014114 () 오후 11 59까지

*전형 방법 및 일정
  1. -1서류전형과온라인인성검사 Reasoning Screen (마감일까지 온라인테스트완료)
  2. -1전형합격자발표: 합격자에게만 E-Mail필기시험일정이통보 (116예정)
  3. -2필기시험 (120 예정)
  4. -3면접 (1 22일부터): 면접대상자에한해면접일자유선통보