

2013-02-26 660

세계 속에서 자신의 경쟁력을 높일 수 있는 해외 인턴쉽의 기회! 지금 지원하세요! 

싱가포르 정부기관인 컨택 싱가포르(Contact Singapore)가 싱가포르의 최고의 연구기관인 A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) 와 NUS (National University of Singapore) 에서의 2013 Research Summer 인턴쉽 관련 지원정보를 아래와 같이 소개해 드리오니 Research 에 관심있는 학생분들의 많은 온라인 지원바랍니다. 해외 연구소 생활이라는 소중한 경력을 쌓을 수 있는 커리어 개발의 기회입니다!

* 대상: 현재 3,4학년인 학부생이거나 석사과정인 학생
평균 B학점 이상의 성적소유자
Research 에 대한 관심 및 열정이 있고, 2013년 여름에 약 3개월간 해외인턴쉽이 가능한 자

* 인턴쉽 채용 A*STAR 기관들
¨ Biomedical Research: Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), Institute of Medical Biology (IMB) Bioinformatics Institute (BII), Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences(SICS)

¨ Science & Engineering Research: Institute of Chemical & Engineering Sciences (ICES), Institute of Materials Research & Engineering (IMRE), Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Data Storage Institute (DSI), Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (ICES)


* 인턴쉽 채용 NUS projects

– Dept of Pharmacy, Dept of Computer Science, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Dept of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

80개가 넘는 다양한 Research 프로젝트들이 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다!

* 인턴쉽 기간
3개월 정도 (2013년 7월부터 시작예정, 프로젝트 별로 조금씩 변동/조정 가능)

* 지원 마감일
2013 2 28

* 온라인 지원 링크


* Experience@Singapore 2011 참가자의 인터뷰 내용도 꼭 확인하세요~!




* 자세한 내용은 아래 및 첨부화일을 참고하세요~!












Internship opportunities that gain you unique insights into Asia’s research environment

If you love research and are up for a challenge of working in the multi-cultural and fast-paced Asia, then you would want to look to Singapore for a summer internship!

Organised by Contact Singapore, this programme puts young, talented students under the mentorship and tutelage of some of Singapore’s top scientists and researchers. Students will work alongside them in their scientific discoveries and be tasked to review, assess and make recommendations to the projects.

WHO we are looking for

  • Minimum “B” grade average
  • Third or fourth year undergraduate studies or currently pursuing a Masters degree
  • Able to commit a minimum of three months

WHAT we are offering

Over 80 Research projects in:

  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Natural & Physical Projects




“I’ve always thought of Singapore only as a financial hub, so, I was surprised and impressed by the people, technology and breadth of research that went on in this little red dot! Particularly at A*STAR, I got the chance to mingle with very different people from all around the world. Experience@Singapore was really a great opportunity for me to learn more about Singapore, and immerse myself in its vibrant science and technology community,” said Kim Ge-Ah, fourth year student at Korea University, majoring in Material Science and Engineering. 


“The strong industry-academia-research collaboration was most impressive during my Experience@Singapore internship… Working at ICES under A*STAR, I gained valuable experience in the academia and research fields. Singapore has taught me about global competitiveness,” commented Mr Youngwoo Bae during his interview with The Science.

Click here to read the article and learn about what you can achieve through the Experience@Singapore Summer Research Internship programme.

Take note of the registration code of the projects that interest you and send in your application! Each applicant can indicate two preferred projects.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience Asia through Singapore, an energetic and thriving city-state that brings the best of Asian culture and Western technologies together.










To find out what projects are available and the skills needed, visit www.contactsingapore.sg/experienceSG/research/Jul2013  










Experience@Singapore is an immersion programme organised by Contact Singapore for talent interested to explore living, studying and working in Singapore.














Contact Singapore is an alliance of the Singapore Economic Development Board and Ministry of Manpower. We engage overseas Singaporeans and global talent to work, invest and live in Singapore.

Contact Singapore actively links Singapore-based employers with professionals to support the growth of our key industries. We work with investors to realise their business and investment interests in Singapore.

For information on working, investing and living in Singapore, please visit www.contactsingapore.sg or contact our worldwide offices.











In the heart of Asia lies Singapore – a bustling, world-class city state that has made waves around the world for its business excellence, connectivity to the world and its innovation.

Singapore has been consistently acknowledged as a global business hub – one that features developed infrastructure, political stability, open business policies, a skilled workforce, the use of English as the main working language and respect for intellectual property rights. Many multinational companies have chosen to set up their bases in Singapore, next to 154,000 small and medium enterprises. Business owners all over the world regard Singapore as an ideal location to grow their businesses, with many of them using the country as a springboard to tap into other emerging markets in Asia.

Besides being ranked by the World Bank in 2012 as the world’s easiest place to do business (out of 183 countries), Singapore has, among its many accolades, the top ranking in the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook 2011 as being the most competitive economy in the world. Singapore was also ranked by the Mercer 2011 Quality of Living Survey as the top Asian country for its quality of life.

Global talent are attracted to Singapore’s meritocratic society that embraces diversity, and a high quality of life in a cosmopolitan environment.















컨택 싱가포르


CONTACT SINGAPORE – Singapore Government Agency, an alliance of Singapore Economic Development Board and Ministry of Manpower

URL:  www.contactsingapore.sg