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POSTECH LabCumentary Han, Soohee (Creative IT Engineering)

Computing and Control Engineering Lab

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Computing and Control Engineering Lab

Han, Soohee (Creative IT Engineering)

The research outcomes produced at many labs often end up as mere thesis publications, failing to fulfill real-life applications. The process of how an idea evolves into a research phase, survives an extremely lengthy verification process, and eventually reaches commercialization to serve the needs of consumers, is extremely arduous and one would be hard pressed to find a lab where this could be learned from A to Z.


Such a common perception, however, does not hold true at the Computing and Control Engineering Lab (CoCEL) led by professor Han Soohee at the Department of Creative IT Engineering, POSTECH. The CoCEL pinpoints its focus on the technologies that are needed presently or in the near future. Studying AI-powered instrumentation and control systems that take into account the safety and convenience needed in our daily lives, the CoCEL leverages both hardware and software tools to design and unveil a wide array of systems.


CoCEL’s main research areas includes such emerging topics as drones, autonomous vehicles, robots and rechargeable batteries. One prime example is ‘SpinFly’, a micro-sized drone equipped with omnidirectional sensors. SpinFly, which is smaller than the palm of a hand, can be sent to a specific area and then be spun around to rapidly scan the surrounding topographic features. Another technology under development is intended to identify the status, safety and remaining service life of rechargeable batteries. While probing into the latest technologies that can be readily adopted in our everyday life, researchers build their competence to explore a variety of career options, from conducting basic research to joining a company or starting a business of their own.


CoCEL’s graduate researchers are never selected merely for their academic grades. The most important criterium is whether an applicant has enthusiasm and drive as an entrepreneur or a maker. Once the researchers are chosen, they are given the opportunity to experience the entire process of ideation, theoretical research, simulation-based verification, experimentation, proto-typing and commercialization. Essentially, they learn how to translate research ideas into reality from start to finish.


It comes as no surprise that many of the research members attempt to start their own business. ‘Polaris3D’, a spin-off company founded by a group of students working at the Lab, attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in the US for the past 2 years to globally unveil its three-dimensional mapping technology and gain public attention. ‘Hybo’, another startup founded by the Lab, creates micro-sized depth sensors capable of accurately measuring distances for the entry-level segment. While papers or project undertakings can be considered research outcomes, it is much more meaningful to share the research findings with the rest of the world and researchers find the value of their work through startups.


Professor Han points out that the motto of his Lab is ‘Of the Student, By the Student, For the Student’. With the belief that only those who research topics that are truly of interest to them can generate novel ideas and release their research capabilities to the fullest, the CoCEL is committed to embed this philosophy into the fabric of its culture.


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