“Are you planning to go over the smart factory system?” Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator hosts SME Week

2024-06-19 242

A smart factory is an intelligent production facility that applies various information and communication technologies, such as machine learning and the Internet of Things, to the manufacturing processes. Since machines and systems learn autonomously based on these technologies, companies can simultaneously improve efficiency and reduce costs. In September 2023, the Korean government announced the ‘New Digital Manufacturing Innovation Promotion Strategy’ to actively support small and medium-sized enterprises with digital transformation.

Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator will hold a three-day SME Week event from June 26 to 28, providing training and consultation on smart factory implementation for SMEs in Korea.

The event aims to enhance the technological competitiveness of SMEs and strengthen their R&D capabilities, marking its fourth time since April 2023. It will be divided into three sessions: Smart Data, Smart Process, and Smart Quality. it will also include elective courses on the latest trends in manufacturing and IT.

One-on-one consultation will also available for SMEs considering building a smart factory or those that have already done so but are experiencing challenges in its application. In addition, there will be networking events and tours of the Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator’s equipment for participants.

The event is free of charge (including meals), and participants can register on the Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator website( Inquiries can be sent to

Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator, located in POSTECH, is Apple’s first manufacturing-specific R&D accelerator in the world, providing education and training to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies on smart manufacturing implementation.