Undergraduate Program

The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) of POSTECH aims to foster students to be not only society, and ethics. HSS offers basic, diverse courses from Humanities (literature, history, and philosophy) to Social Sciences (psychology, sociology, economics, management, and politics). Through a diversity of courses of arts, physical education, writing and speaking, and foreign languages, including English, HASS has become a leading model in liberal education for other science and engineering universities. The outstanding research and extensive academic activities of HASS faculty members in various fields have made significant contributions to social growth.

  • Location : Hogil Kim Memorial Hall
  • Tel : +82-54-279-3611
  • Fax : +82-54-279-3699
  • Email : hss-info@postech.ac.kr

Mueunjae School of Undergraduate Studies(MSUS)

Founded in 2018, the Mueunjae School of Undergraduate Studies allows all undergraduates to be admitted as freshmen without selecting their majors (except for Convergence IT Engineering) and ensures a smooth transition into university life. The Office of Mueunjae Undergraduate Studies and its affiliated guidance groups strive to students to broaden their perspectives to choose majors that tprovide systematic guidance and education for all undergraduates so they may freely explore various departments before choosing their majors.

The goal of MSUS is to help new students to cultivate an integrative mindset and adapt well to the university. Moreover, MSUS encourages hey have an aptitude for and an interest in through exploring both required courses and courses from different departments.

Mueunjae – for which the school is named after – was the pen name of Mr. Hogil Kim,
the first president of POSTECH. It means that there are no boundaries in learning and it expresses the will to keep the purpose of the school alive.

  • Location : Tae-Joon Park Digital Library
  • Tel : +82-54-279-9101~5
  • Fax : +82-54-279-9109
  • Email : ms-office@postech.ac.kr


Mathematics in general refers to abstract knowledge gained from logical thinking of various objects such as numbers, quantity, space, structure, change and their relations. We do mathematical thinking as one of the human’s innate characteristics like art or music. Mathematics has also been a source of ingenious methodologies for understanding the modern society of advanced technology. In the most recent time of the 4th industrial revolution of information and big data, mathematics more and more plays a fundamental role in the disruptive technology innovation.

  • Location : Mathematical Science Building
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2712
  • Fax : +82-54-279-2799
  • Email : math-info@postech.ac.kr


Physics is a basic science studying the fundamental principles of natural phenomena and serves as the base for the natural sciences and engineering. Especially in recent years, research outcomes from physics research are making significant contributions to the development of cutting-edge technologies and to the understanding of the creation of universe and the origins of life.

  • Location : Science Building Ⅲ
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2713
  • Fax : +82-54-279-3099
  • Email : shinjua@postech.ac.kr


As a basic science, the discipline of chemistry identifies the structures and properties of materials and investigates the process of the creation of new materials through chemical transformation. Chemistry is thus a fundamental discipline for the understanding and development of areas directly related with the well-being of humankind such as pharmaceuticals, new materials and energy.

  • Location : Chemistry Building
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2714
  • Fax : +82-54-279-3399
  • Email : jwd@postech.ac.kr

Life Sciences

Life Sciences is a discipline designed to decipher the complex and mysterious phenomena of living creatures and based on the understanding of life phenomena, to provide scientific procedures which can contribute to the betterment of humankind.

Materials Science & Engineering

The effect that materials science & engineering has had on the dramatic development of modern industrialized society is truly immense. Innovations have been made in time and energy conservation thanks to the speedy processing and transmission of information and the development of superlight components only possible with new material development and high-functionalization.

  • Location : Science Building Ⅰ
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2715
  • Fax : +82-54-279-2399
  • Email : hook@postech.ac.kr

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a discipline which presents an unlimited potential for growth and hope for human life and contributes remarkable innovations to such areas as new power sources & transmissions, highly intelligent robots, high efficiency transportation, space and marine exploration and environmental purification.

  • Location : Science Building Ⅴ/Mechanical Engineering Laboratories Building
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2832
  • Fax : +82-54-279-5899
  • Email : ykrhee@postech.ac.kr

Industrial & Management Engineering

Industrial & Management Engineering is continuously growing with the objective of improving productivity through integrated and optimized systems. Recently it is gaining strength in new areas of cutting-edge technology, such as factory automation, CAD/CAM, CIM and integrated information systems, in addition to its conventional areas such as ergonomics, safety engineering, operations research, applied statistics and production management.

Electrical Engineering

Education is focused on a diverse range of basic study and on passing on expertise in electronic and electrical engineering. The Department of Electrical Engineering manages to synthesize educational contents such as electronic engineering, control and measure engineering, computer engineering, electronic communication engineering, electromagnetic wave engineering, and electronic material engineering. The undergraduate program in the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH is loyal to general, basic subjects rather than focusing on certain specific areas, while areas of interest are more focused and specialized in the graduate program. Undergraduate students are thus well educated with a general, foundational knowledge of electronic and electrical engineering, so they can adapt as easily to industries or graduate programs after graduation.

  • Location : LG Cooperative Electronics Engineering Building
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2718
  • Fax : +82-54-279-2903
  • Email : mjhwang@postech.ac.kr

Computer Science & Engineering

Computer science & engineering, foremost in the state-of-the-art information technology of the 21st century, is an advanced discipline studying all the information processing essential to human activities.

It basically deals with the fundamentals and applications of computers in relation to the study of computer maintenance, storage and the transmission of information.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering is an integral discipline grafting engineering concepts onto the basic principles of the existing disciplines of chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology. In line with the integral characteristics of this discipline, the Department at Chemical Engineering at POSTECH aims to explore state-of-the-art areas in chemical engineering. Subjects related with chemical engineering are not fragmented into manufacturing chemistry, polymer engineering, biological engineering, environmental engineering, etc., but are inclusively integrated.

  • Location : School of Environmental Science and Engineering Building
  • Tel : +82-54-279-2720
  • Fax : +82-54-279-5528
  • Email : ce-staff@postech.ac.kr

Convergence IT Engineering

The Department of Convergence IT Engineering(CITE) aims to motivate talented people with unlimited possibilities by providing new educational vision and courses through educational innovation, and to foster world-class human resources with self-directed and challenging problem-solving capabilities based on creative imagination, convergent exploration, and innovative creation by providing education that enables them to think differently and broadly.

Semiconductor Engineering

Semiconductor Engineering Department was established with the goal of fostering global leaders who will protect Korea’s semiconductor industry amidst the competition of future semiconductor technology development. Based on the basic and applied knowledge of all semiconductor fields, including materials, devices, processes, and design, we would like to cultivate the best engineering talent. In particular, we are planning to train global leaders who will lead the semiconductor industry tomorrow by running a rapid education program that completes the integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree courses in six years.

Last Modified : 2024-07-29