Deloitte Consulting – Deloitte Analytics 부문 채용 공고
l 모집요강
– 모집부문: Deloitte Analytics
– 모집인원: 0명
– 담당업무:
- Report to Director of Deloitte Analytics and works directly with other business & data analysts from analyst to senior manager level in support of business analytics related projects.
- Develop advanced mathematical and computational consultation and predictive models for clients via optimization, predictive modeling, and data analysis methodologies and usage of computational software packages (e.g. MATLAB).
- Designs and processes operational research methods for analysis.
- Manages and manipulates data using various packages.
- Produces results as reports, presentations, and graphics.
- Explores and tests mathematical and statistical software.
– 자격요건:
- Strong experiences in Optimization, Data-mining, Business analytics, Risk management.
- Familiarity with computing environments; business-related research experience; experience with large data sets; familiarity with computer programming languages.
- Computational programming experience in research based setting.
- Solid mathematics background; broad training and good habits in operations research, data management and analysis; expertise with multiple computational and mathematical software packages; problem solving skills, organizational ability, communication skills, initiative.
- Provides and designs statistical consultation for clients as well as primary support for two or more statistical software packages (e.g., R, STATA, SAS, SPSS).
- Modeling expertise using statistical techniques such as multinomial logit and similar models, time-series analysis, neural networks, decision trees, clustering techniques, random effects models, survival analysis, text analysis, and other appropriate tools.
- Manages and manipulates data using various statistical packages. Explores and tests statistical software.
l 고용형태: Full – Time
l 채용직급: Business Analyst ~ Senior Manager (신입 또는 경력)
l 근무지역: 서울 여의도, 딜로이트 본사
l 전형절차: 1차 서류전형 및 2차 면접(1차 합격자에 한하여 개별통보)
– 지원방법: E-Mail 접수
l 제출서류
– 국문 또는 영문이력서 및 자기소개서 각 1부(사진 반드시 첨부)
– 경력자의 경우 경력기술서 첨부(신입의 경우 제출하지 않아도 무방함)
– 제반 증빙서류는 입사 시 별도 제출
※ 접수된 서류는 반환하지 않으며, 기재한 사항이 사실과 다를 경우 입사 취소됩니다.
– 제출처: E-mail: HR_seoul@deloitte.com (메일 제목은 “DA지원_성명”으로 할 것)
l 제출마감일: 2013년 5월 31일 (금)
– 문의처 :채용 담당자(02-6676-2773, HR_seoul@deloitte.com)