
클리어에지파워 국내 엔지니어 모집

2011-05-04 1,000

클리어에지파워에서 국내 엔지니어를 모집합니다.

세계 첨단 연료전지 미국계 회사의 엔지니어 모집

인재 모집필드서비스 엔지니어한국   (Field Application and Customer Service Engineer, Korea)

해당 직급: 엔지니어

담당 부서필드 엔지니어링  고객 서비스팀

채용 인원:  0

클리어에지 파워 (ClearEdge Power)는 본사가 미국 서부에 위치한 세계적인 첨단 연료전지 산업 (Fuel Cell)을 리더하는 회사이며, 금번에 한국과 아시아 사업확대를 위해 적극적이고 능력있는   필드 엔지니어를 모집합니다.

시니어 필드 엔지니어는 미국과 한국에서 교육을 받은 후, 현장프로젝트를 수행하며 본사의 필드서비스팀, 엔지니어링팀, 개발팀, 제조팀 등과의 긴밀한 업무 협력을 주도합니다. 클리어에지 파워의 사업팀, 파트너, 고객을 지원하며 프로젝트관리, 디자인변경, 설계응용, 설비 및 관리, 문제해결, 정비, 분석, 기술지원, 교육, 기술문서관리, 시공업체관리 등의 주요 업무를 리더하게 됩니다.

 지원 자격  경력:

  • 학사이상의 소지자 (전기, 전자, 기계, 화공 학과등 4년제 대학의  공대출신)
  • 석사학위 이상 우대
  • 신입 및 경력 (대리, 과장급) 
  • 영어 및 한국어로 원활한 업무 소통이 가능한자 
  • 중국어 능통자 우대  
  • 아웃룩, 액셀, 워드, 파워포인트 사용이 가능한자
  • 적극적인 자세와 리더쉽을 보유한자 
  • 뛰어난 대인능력과 자발적인 리더의 성격을 가진자
  • 신체건강하고 운전면허 보유하고 해외여행에 결격사유가 없는 자


  • 클리어에지 파워의 연료전지시스템 및 관련 소프트웨어 부문 전문가로서 활약
  • 프로젝트관리,  설비, 가동, 문제해결, 정비, 응용 기술 개발
  • 직접 문제해결, 원인분석, 시험, 최적화
  • 연료전지시스템의 운전 및 관리의 최적화
  • 기술적인 개선 및 디자인 변경 및 응용을 주도
  • 클리어에지파워의 기술 전문가로서 고객 및 고객사의 프로젝트 수행 및 시스템 안정화
  • 클리어에지파워의 비즈니스 성장을 위해서 필드응용 및 고객지원 엔지니어링을 주도


  • 국문 및 영문 이력서 (현재 및 희망 연봉, 자세한 연락처등 기재) 제출
  • 국문 및 영문 자기소개서 (설계, 개발, 프로젝트 또는 설비등의 실적의 경력을 자세히 기술) 제출
  • MS word 파일로 국문 및 영문 작성

 하여  cepkorea@gmail.com  및 spark@Clearedgepower.com 로 보내주세요.

  • 참조 사이트는 http://www.ClearEdgePower.com 입니다
  • 지원서류 검토후 선정된 후보에 한해서 개발 면접을 통보합니다.  
  • 대우는 국내 상위기업수준을 선회

· 글로벌 무대에서 활약할 수 있는 기회

 · 회사는 서울소재

  • 합격한 엔지니어는 미국과 한국에서 기술 연수을 받게 됩니다.    
  • 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않습니다.




Position:           Field Application and Customer Service Engineer, Korea

Title :                 Technician/Engineer

Reports to:        Field Engineering and Customer Service Manager, Korea

 ClearEdge Power (CEP), the world leading fuel cell Company located in the west coast of USA, is looking for the highly talented  Field Engineers of Application and Customer Service for Korea, and possibly Asia pacific region.

 After training in USA and Korea, the primary job of the Senior Field Engineer, Korea is to support ClearEdge Power Korea (CEPK) business, partners, and clients with project management, design modification, application, installation, troubleshooting, analysis, technical support, training, customer service, technical document management.  Senior Field Engineers are also the primary conduit between field service and Engineering and Manufacturing, providing feedback, lessons learned, and design modification recommendations. In addition, the Senior Field Engineer, Korea will need to take on significant tactical project management responsibilities.

 Qualifications and Experiences:

  • BS or MS in Electrical/Electronic , Mechanical and Chemical Engineering (At least 4 years degree)
  • New or 5+ years experience of Design or installation experiences in HVAC, Hydraulics, Heat Pump, Air Conditioner, Heat Exchange, Boiler, and related license with related license are preferred, but not a must.
  • Experience on Fuel cell is preferred but not a must. 
  • Fluent or reasonable spoken and written English and Korean 
  • Required computer skills:  Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint
  • Successful candidate will be highly hands-on and hardware oriented with positive attitude and leadership
  • Exceptional communications and service skills a must. Requires little to no supervision
  • Valid Driver’s license with strong health, International and intra-Korea travel required


  • Become system experts on all ClearEdge Power (CEP) fuel cell units and all software tools
  • Lead project management, pre-installation, installation, start-up, troubleshooting, and initial maintenance, application.
  • Provide hands-on troubleshooting/root-cause-analysis/test/optimization in the field
  • Maintain operational proficiency by operating and maintaining all fuel cell units at local installations
  • Lead technical findings, justification, and design modification to recommend hardware/software changes.
  • Become the primary technical interface between Clients and CEP organizations
  • Lead CEP Korea Field Application and Customer Service  to support CEP Korea business growth

To Apply:

  • Please send resume in Korean and English (Including current and wish salary information, detail contact information)
  • Please send self-introduction letter in Korean and English (including design, development, project,  installation experiences)
  • Please send file as MS word format to  cepkorea@gmail.com and spark@Clearedgepower.com

   ※  Submitted document will be not be returned and only selected candidate will be contacted.

Suyeon  Park  

Business Administration

KOREA: +82 10.5104.2811
