
(주)아카온 Artificial Intelligence Team 인턴 엔지니어 채용(Intern Engineer Recruitment) (~4/4)

2014-03-20 886

 Artificial Intelligence Team  인턴 엔지니어 채용 

(Full time Intern Position)




"We must be the change that we want to see in the world." by Mahatma Gandhi


  AKA 개발 철학:  “less is more”


  – AKA 개발 철학과 같은 비전을 공유하거나  이상의 비전을 제시할  있는 사람 

  – 인공지능 엔지 개발에 대한 관심과 이해 그리고 수학통계빅데이터머신러닝을 통해 혁신적인 진보를  고민하고 실현하고 싶은  

  – 회사를 성장시키고 사회를 변화시키면서스스로의 꿈을 실현하고 싶은 사람 

  –   번이라도 스스로가 좋아하는 일을 하면서 밤을 새워봤던 경험이 있는 사람 

  – 변화를 두려워하지 않는 도전적이면서도 인간의 대한 예의를 지키는 사람 ()아카온 


  AKA 장점 


  – $1Billion 가치 회사를 포함하여 다양한 회사를 공동창업한 경험자들이 주축 되어 창업한 글로벌 벤처 

  – 글로벌 벤처캐피털(Formation 8, SV Angel, Kesef Investments, 야후 공동창업자넥슨 공동창업자 ) 투자한 벤처 회사에서 함께 성장하고 성공할  있는 기회 

  – 직급 위주의 문화를 탈피하고 유연한 출퇴근 시간과 수평적 호칭 문화 (모두 동등하게 영어이름 사용 연차와 공휴일 보장 

  – 직원 전환시 스톡옵션(주식인센티브 프로그램 운영을 통해 회사의 성장 기회를 공유 

  – 글로벌 오피스(미국팔로알토/산타모니카홍콩한국) 다국적 구성원을 통한 멀티 컬처의 경험 기회 

  – 식대 보조와 간식  1 카페와 맥주와 음식이 흐르는 키친그리고 wii 있는 멀티방까지 자유로운 근무공간으로 이용 

  – 홍대 문화권 / 다국적 문화의 최고의 팀원(미국뉴질랜드중국일본삼성, NHN, SK, Yale, SNU, Dartmouth, Mcgill, Kent, KAIST, POSTECH, KY, Yonsei,U.C. Berkeley, UIUC) / 다양한 언어와 

     실력자들과 함께 고민하고 성장할  있는 기회 

  – 개발과 스스로의 도전을 위한 최상의 장비  환경 제공 

  – 한국과 실리콘밸리 전설적인 슈퍼 엔지니어 어드바이저들(Paypal, Palantir 공동창업자넥슨 공동창업자)로부터의 직접적인 멘토쉽 기회 

  – 앱스토어 베스트 앱들과 5백만 사용자 앱을 출시한 동료들과의 소통하며 배우는 기회 




 모집부분  자격요건


– 모집부분엔지니어팀

– 담당업무인공지능 엔지니어 인턴

– 모집인원: 0

  기본 자격 요건

   Computer Science(CS) / Computer Engineering(CE) 전공자/ 혹은 스스로 독학한자

Language: (1 이상)

  Java 프로그래밍(웹프로그래밍)  

            Script: (1 이상)

– Matlab(or Octave)/Bash Shell/R/Python 중에 하나 이상으로 기계학습 알고리즘 활용 경험자

                 Linux System Programming: (1 이상)

   리눅스 환경에서의 개발  환경 구성, 시스템 운영 경험자


 우대 자격 요건

   A. Machine Learning, NLP, Pattern/Speech Recognition 등의 A.I. 분야 연구 혹은 수업을 들은자,      분산 병렬 컴퓨팅 기술을 공부한자, 연구한자:

– MapReduce, SPARK, SHARK, Gearman, Condor, Spring Batch, 분산 프레임워크, 프로토콜 등의 컴퓨팅 기술 경험자


    B. 자연 언어 처리를 관심있거나 공부한자:

           – NLP관련 라이브러리(OpenNLP, Standford, NLTK ..) 스택을 충분히 활용 가능한 

– Naive Bayes, SVM, kNN, k-Means, HMM 등의 기계학습 알고리즘에 대한        전반적인 이해와 구현가능한 경험자

– N-Gram 등의 언어 통계적 모델링에 대한 이해와 개발 경험자



 나이제한 없음성별 무관


※ 채용시 마감


  회사 위치


  – 서울시 마포구 서교동 392-18번지 TH빌딩 5 AKA (2, 6호선 합정역 3분거리)


  이력서 제출  문의


  – e-mail 접수info@akaon.com

  – 회사 홈페이지www.akaon.com 블로그blog.akaon.com

  – 문의전화: 02-537-7201



“With massive amounts of computational power, machines can now recognize objects and translate speech in real time.
Artificial intelligence is finally getting smart.”

at AKA

 Artificial Intelligence Team  Intern Engineer Recruitment

(Full time Intern Position)




"We must be the change we want to see in the world." by Mahatma Gandhi


  AKA Philosophy:  “less is more”


  – Someone who shares AKA Philosophy or can propose a better one

  – Someone who is interested in and understands Artificial Intelligence engine development and looks forward to innovating technology with mathematics, statistics, big data, and machine learning

 –  Someone who is looking forward to growing the company, change the society, and make your dreams come true

  – Someone who has worked all night long with a hobby at least once

  – Someone who isn’t afraid of progress, challenges, and is well-mannered.


  AKA Advantages 


  – AKA is a global venture established by those who have built billion dollar companies 

  – Opportunity to succeed in a company where famous global venture capitals (Formation 8, SV Angel, Kesef Investments) and Yahoo, Nexon cofounders invested in 

  – Company atmosphere is liberal without much regard to having a high or low position (all members use English names to be considered at equal standing).  Flexible commuting time and vacation guaranteed.

  – Stock option available when internship ends and you are contracted into a full-time position 

  – Opportunity to have multicultural experience with members from Global Offices (U.S.-Palo Alto/Santa Monica, Hong Kong, Korea)

  – Meal plan, 1st floor café, AKA Kitchen (with beer and food), and recreation room with a Wii which all members of AKA can freely use

  – Hongik Univ. cultural district / multicultural colleagues (U.S., New Zealand, China, Japan, Samsung, NHN, SK, Yale, SNU, Dartmouth, Mcgill, Kent, KAIST, POSTECH, KY, Yonsei, U.C. Berkeley, UIUC, etc. )

  – Best equipment and environment offered for developing

  – Opportunity to get mentors who are legendary engineer advisors of Korea and Silicon Valley (Paypal, Palantir co-founder, Nexon cofounder)

  – Opportunity to work and communicate with colleagues who have developed apps categorized under the app store’s Best Apps and 5-million Downloads list




 Recruiting position and Requirements


– Position: Artificial Intelligence Team  Intern Engineer

– Volume of recruitment: 1-2

–  Requirements

   Computer Science(CS) / Computer Engineering(CE) Major/ or who learned by him/herself

Language: (1 year experience or more)

–  Java Programming (Web programming)  

                  Script: (1 year experience or more)

–  Experience one or more of Matlab (or Octave)/Bash Shell/R/Python (building machine learning algorithm)

                  Linux System Programming: (1 year experience or more)

  – Experience  with developing, environment composing, or system managing under Linux


– Preference

  A. Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Pattern/Speech Recognition (A.I.) Major (or has taken related lectures) or studied or has research experience on dispersion parallel computing technology

– MapReduce, SPARK, SHARK, Gearman, Condor, Spring Batch, parallel framework, protocol, or other computing technology experience


    B. Interests or research experience in natural language process:

           – Ability of NLP related library (OpenNLP, Standford, NLTK etc.) stack application

– General understanding and experience with developing machine learning algorithm such as Naive Bayes, SVM, kNN, k-Means, HMM

– Understanding or development experience on N-Gram or other language statistical modeling



 No age or gender restriction

Recruitment can be closed earlier


  AKA Location


  – 서울시 마포구 서교동 392-18번지 TH빌딩 5 AKA (2, 6호선 합정역 3분거리)

   (TH Building 5th floor, Seokyo-dong, Mapogu, Seoul 137-070, Korea)


  E-mail Address for Resume


  – e-mail: info@akaon.com

  – Website: www.akaon.com Blog: blog.akaon.com

  – Contact number: 02-537-7201

“With massive amounts of computational power, machines can now recognize objects and translate speech in real time.
Artificial intelligence is finally getting smart.”

at AKA