
미국계 헤지펀드사 Quant Trader 채용

2014-09-17 1,352

 미국계 헤지펀드사 Quant Trader 채용

미국 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 미국계 헤지펀드사입니다.

*** is a private institutional investment management complex consisting of an international team of researchers, traders and technologists who constantly work toward even greater quantification and automation in the development of its trading processes. Continuously evolving for ever-greater efficiency enables us to trade today the way others will tomorrow.

*** are seeking candidates with quantitative portfolio management experience and intimate knowledge of systematic strategies.

Job Responsibilities (include, but not limited to the following):

– Develop systematic strategies which exploit statistically-based predictive signals associated with various market inefficiencies.

– Manage own quantitative investment portfolio (portfolio will have a separately identifiable track record)

Job Qualifications:

– Have a live track record of at least one year, with a PnL of at least

– Have experience with fully systematic, quantitative strategies with simulated annualized Sharpe of at least 2.0

– Have strategies trading global equities (cash), futures and currencies (spot and forwards)

– Positions based in Singapore

– Interested and qualified candidates please

근무지는 싱가포르이며, 헤지펀드사의 요청에 따라 석사 이상 필수이고, 전공은 수학, 통계학, 컴퓨터 공학 등을 선호합니다.

(연령은 20대 후반 ~ 30대 중반 선호)

관심 있으신 분은 커리어케어 금융팀 김은미 수석에게 문의 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Contact: 02-2286-3991 / 010-2214-3336 / eunmeekim@careercare.co.kr